Novedad Alfombras

Gray Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Ivory Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Cuadrado Alfombra

Pink and Purple Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Ivory Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Alfombra

Blue Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Round Alfombra

Pink and Purple Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Alfombra

Pink and Purple Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Round Alfombra

Ivory Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Ivory Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Camino de mesa Alfombra

Gray Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Camino de mesa Alfombra

Multi Felt Ball Wool Cuadrado Alfombra

Blue Felt Ball Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Pink and Purple Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Cuadrado Alfombra

Multi Felt Ball Wool Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra

Ivory Hand Woven Felt Ball Wool Hogar Alfombra

Blue Felt Ball Wool Cuadrado Alfombra

85cm x 125cm Hand Knotted Tabriz Persa Alfombra

130cm x 208cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

117cm x 183cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

90cm x 130cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

58cm x 75cm Hand Knotted Qom Persa Cuadrado Alfombra

97cm x 140cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

282cm x 360cm Hand Knotted Moroccan Wool Alfombra

335cm x 385cm Hand Knotted Tabriz Persa Wool Alfombra

105cm x 142cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra

85cm x 305cm Hand Knotted Kazak Alfombra de pasillo Alfombra