Grises / Plateados Entrada Alfombras

Cool Gray Hand Woven Eco Bohemian Indoor / Outdoor Alfombra

Charcoal Gray Hand Woven Kilim Wool Alfombra

Gray and White Hand Woven Eco Verse Washable Indoor / Outdoor Alfombra

Light Gray Hand Woven Chindi Cotton Alfombra

Gray and White Hand Woven Chindi Cotton Alfombra

Earl Gray Jill Zarin Natural Wool Alfombra

Gray Manor Hand Knotted Jill Zarin Dorset Alfombra

Silver Gray Atlas Moroccan Wool Alfombra

Gray and Ivory Hand Woven Chenille Jute Alfombra

Earl Gray Jill Zarin Natural Wool Alfombra

Aqua Blue and Gray Hand Woven Flatweave Cotton Dhurrie Alfombra

Gray Hand Woven Geo Trellis Flatweave Alfombra

175cm x 188cm Hand Woven Kilim Suzani Wool Alfombra

97cm x 145cm Hand Knotted Ultra Vintage Persa Wool Alfombra